Summer Dance Series
1:00 pm- 1:50pm
- Culture (West
African/ Hip Hop)
2:00 pm- 2:50 pm
- Ballet
3:00 pm- 3:50 pm
- Modern
Full Day Sessions
8:00- 8:45 am
-Arrival and Breakfast
8:45- 9:55 am
-Warm Up (includes
stretching, light
9:55- 9:25 am
-Work it Out (includes
strength and endurance
training, unique fitness
opportunities for each child based on stage of development)
9:25- 9:35 am
-Check- in (identification
of feelings, mindfulness
and grounding
9:35- 10:35 am
-Drills and Skills -
passing, strength
mechanics, shooting,
layups, dribbling, proper
10:35- 10:50 am
-Games (Character, Team
Building, Focus,
Direction Following)
10:50- 11:00 am
-Reflection- what do I
need to work on? What
did I do well?
11:00- 11:15 am
-Cool Down
11:30 -Half Day Dismissal
12:00 pm- 1:00pm
-Arrival and Lunch
1:00- 1:15 pm
-Check- in
(identification of
feelings, mindfulness
and grounding
1:15- 2:05 pm
-Ballet/ West African
2:05-2:25 pm
-Game and reflection
(Creativity, Character
Building, Focus)
2:25- 3:15 pm
-Modern/ Hip Hop
3:15 pm- 3:30 pm
-Free dance/ Dance
Presentations/ Show
and tell
3:30pm - Pick up
Mondays- Thursdays